Things To Consider Before Purchasing Solar Panels

Nashville Solar Works
3 min readFeb 19, 2024



QCell 480 PV Modules

Are you tired of the ever-increasing costs of electricity? Do you want to make a positive impact on the environment? Are you worried about grid outages? Look no further than solar panels — the ideal solution for those seeking to take control of their energy expenses, value independence while reducing their carbon footprint.

Why Solar Panels?

Solar energy is abundant, renewable, and emission-free, making it a sustainable alternative to traditional grid electricity. With solar panels installed on your property, you can harness the power of the sun to generate clean, renewable energy right at home.

“Solar power is the last energy resource that isn’t owned yet — nobody taxes the sun yet.” Bonnie Rait

Key Benefits of Solar Panels

  • Energy Storage: Did you know that solar panels can still benefit you even when the sun isn’t shining? Excess energy generated during the day can be stored in batteries or fed back into the grid for later use, providing you with energy independence and reducing your reliance on grid electricity.
  • Versatility: Contrary to popular belief, solar panels don’t require constant sunshine to function effectively. They can generate power even in cold and cloudy weather, thanks to their ability to capture UV light. Plus, research has shown that solar panels perform optimally in cooler temperatures, making them a viable option for regions with varying climates.
  • Minimal Maintenance: Solar panels are incredibly low-maintenance and have a long lifespan, often lasting for decades with minimal upkeep. They seamlessly integrate with your existing grid, ensuring a reliable power supply whenever you need it.
  • Affordability: Over the years, the cost of solar panels has become more affordable, making them accessible to homeowners of all budgets. With a wide range of options available, you can find the perfect solar solution to meet your specific needs and space requirements.

Did you know that:

“Solar panels, also known as photovoltaic or PV panels, are made to last more than 25 years. In fact, many solar panels installed as early as the 1980s are still working at expected capacity.”

Making the Right Choice

Choosing the right solar panel system depends on various factors, including your budget, energy consumption, available space, and personal preferences. Whether you opt for a DIY approach or invest in professionally installed panels, it’s essential to select reputable manufacturers that offer high-quality products and reliable warranties.

Long-Term Savings and Sustainability

While the initial investment in solar panels may seem daunting, it’s a one-time expense that pays off in the long run. By harnessing the sun’s free energy, you can significantly reduce your energy bills, or even eliminate them entirely, depending on your system’s configuration. Plus, with the potential to generate excess energy, you may even qualify for incentives like net metering, where you can earn credits or payments for the electricity your panels produce.

Get Started with Solar Today

Ready to take the first step towards energy independence and sustainability? Reach out to Nashville Solar Works for expert guidance and personalized solar solutions tailored to your home and budget. Let’s harness the power of the sun together and pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.

Email or Call 615–241–3022 for more information.

Power Your Lifestyle, Own Your Energy!

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Nashville Solar Works

Nashville Solar Works is a solar design, engineering and installation company in Nashville, Tennessee.